Watching a wild animal in your backyard can be quite the experience. Squirrels chasing each other through the trees is cute. Seeing a black bear wander on your property can be thrilling. Those wild animals can damage your property.
When something damages your house, homeowners check their insurance policy for coverage. In certain situations, your policy might cover damage caused by a wild animal.
Does home insurance cover wild animal damage?
It depends on each individual policies. In some cases, yes, homeowners insurance does cover damage caused by wild animals.
Wild animal damage is usually covered under the dwelling or other structure protection.
Dwelling coverage relates to the main structure in your home as well as any attached structures, such as decks and garages. Other structure coverage pertains to structures that are not attached to your home, like a detached garage, fence, or shed.
Basically, if a bear breaks into your house for a snack, swelling coverage would probably cover the damage. Other structure cover protects a damage fence from a deer trying to jump over it.
What kinds of animal damage does homeowner’s insurance cover?
What kinds of wild animal damage does homeowners insurance cover?
Every policy is unique, so you should speak to your insurance provider to receive definitive answers to any questions you may have. However, most insurance companies are fairly consistent with each other in what kind of animal damages they cover.
Does homeowners insurance cover raccoon damage?
Raccoons can damage the exterior of your home by creating holes to get inside. They can also damage shingles as they climb up the roof. Inside the attic, raccoons damage insulation, chew electrical wires, and in extreme cases collapse ceilings
Raccoon damage is generally not covered by standard homeowner’s insurance policies, but some insurers may help cover repairs if raccoons damage or destroy the roof, attic, or other areas of the home’s structure.
Personal belongings—such as clothing, furniture, and electronics—will almost always be the responsibility of the homeowner.

Does homeowners insurance cover squirrel damage?
Squirrels can cause a great deal of damage to both the interior and exterior of your home. Squirrels cause the most damage by gnawing. They can gnaw through wood, aluminum, shingles, vinyl, and plastic to get inside your home. Once inside, they will gnaw on electrical wires, PVC pipes, and wood.
Most insurance companies consider squirrel damage “preventable,” so it’s unlikely they will help pay to repair damage of this kind. However, there are some instances where they will pay.
These usually involve a “single, identifiable event” that results in considerable damage all at one time. For example, if a squirrel chews through wires in your attic and a house fire ensues, chances are, home insurance will pay for it.

Does homeowners insurance cover rat and mouse damage?
Most insurance companies consider rat and mouse damage “preventable,” so it’s unlikely they will help pay to repair rodent damage. However, there are some instances where they might cover damage.
These usually involve a “single, identifiable event” that results in considerable damage all at one time. For example, if a rodent gnaws through wires in your attic and a house fire ensues, chances are, that home insurance will pay for it.
Does homeowners insurance cover woodpecker damage?
Woodpeckers are the root of both costly damage to houses and noisy disruptions for residents. Homeowners should look for chipped paint, dents, and holes along siding, trim, chimneys, and near fences
Woodpecker damage is also generally not covered by insurance because it is considered preventative.
How Much Does Wildlife Damage Repair Costs?
Each situation is unique. It depends on the wildlife species, the type of damage, and the location of the damage.
Homeowners insurance might help pay for wild animal damage damage that is not considered preventable. If you have questions, contact your insurance company. Homeowners insurance will not cover nuisance wildlife removal.
Damage from nuisance wildlife surprises most people. At Trutech Wildlife Service, we offer in-house financing to help.