Is It Bad to Have an Animal in the Attic?

It is not good to have an animal in your attic. Animals damage your house, upset your life, and spread diseases. Attics are the quintessential animal hideout. They are warm, provide ample material for nests in the form of boxes and insulation, and are rarely visited by humans. Unless your house is supremely well protected, […]
Animal Damage in Tampa Attics

Pest animals in Tampa seeking shelter in attics is a common issue faced by homeowners. Unexpected noises from the attic are a sure sign that you have unwelcome guests in your home. Whether you hear chirping or scurrying, there are possible critters like raccoons, squirrels, and bats. These pests often seek out attics for nesting, […]
Squirrel Nest Removal

Squirrels build their nests (also called dreys) in shelter locations high above the ground. Typically they are built inside tree cavities or between large tree branches. Squirrels use twigs, dry leaves, and grass for their nests. Squirrels will pick nesting locations close to abundant food sources. A yard full of birdseed or acorns will attract […]
Raccoon in Attic in Flower Mound

A homeowner in Flower Mound heard loud thumping noises in the middle of the night. They investigated their attic and found dark, tubular droppings. During our inspection, we found evidence of raccoon droppings and a raccoon den build in the insulation. If you look closely, you can spot the raccoon hiding between the rafters. Why […]
Seven Signs of an Animal in Attic

Since they’re warm and often undisturbed by humans, attics make great nesting options for many unwanted critters. Most often these pests seek shelter in attics to survive harsh weather during winter or raise young during the spring. The most common animals that live in an attic are raccoons, squirrels, bats, mice, and rats. Getting rid […]