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Chipmunk Sounds

Chipmunk eating a nut

Chipmunks most frequently use a high-pitched chirping noise. Their ‘chuck-chuck’ call is often mistaken for birdsong. But when responding to threats, you may hear a high-pitched ‘wee.’  Chipmunks usually live in underground burrows, but it is not unheard of for them to find their way into human homes. As far as home-invading rodents are concerned, […]

Where do raccoons live?

The raccoon is an example of an animal species that has had great success adapting to humans. Well known for their exasperating habit of raiding trash cans (and not bothering to clean up afterward), the raccoon is one of the most common animals found in residential areas. It is also one of the smartest—it has […]

Squirrel Sounds

  If you hear sounds in your attic during the day, most times it is a squirrel. Squirrels will most likely make noises during the early morning and late evening, when squirrels are entering and exiting the home. Squirrels commonly produce scurrying, scampering, and scratching sounds in the attic. Because of their size, it can […]

3 Signs of a Snake Problem

Although many of us are off-put by them, snakes are not the most noticeable creatures. They tend to hide and make little noise, so you might not see them in your house even if you have a full-fledged infestation. But even if you don’t see them directly, they do leave certain signs–namely, poop, skins, and […]

Raccoon Removal in Dallas-Forth Worth

Juvenill Raccoon Excluder Valve

Raccoon damage to yards, roofs, attics, and crawlspaces costs homeowners thousands of dollars in repairs every year (a standard homeowner’s insurance policy might cover the cost of repair but not trapping and removing. Contact your insurance company).  These critters are smart and constantly on the hunt for both food and shelter. Bird feeders, trash cans, and pet […]

Where do mice hide?

Mouse near a house

It is well known that mice have an affinity for human structures–it is often said that wherever humans are, mice are likely to be. But while they can be a terrible nuisance, mice usually go to great lengths to avoid humans. They tend to live in the parts of a house that we don’t, such […]

Mouse Sounds

Mouse in a house

Mice tend to be nocturnal or crepuscular, but they are intelligent animals that adapt to you. They are most likely to be active when you are not there or inactive. Mouse Vocalizations Mice are known to make squeaking or even high-pitched singing sounds, especially when babies are present or when the males are trying to […]

Is There An Animal Living Under My House?

house foundation exterior

Primarily, animals choose to get under the house for the shelter it can provide them. Most animals you’ll find under the house are likely making their way there to create a burrow or nest. The dark space offers shelter from the elements, making it the perfect spot to call home. Beyond simple shelter, the space […]

The Most Common Raccoons Noises in Attic

raccoon in attic

One of the most notable signs of a raccoon problem is the noise. Raccoons make a lot of noise when they live in your attic. You can hear both vocalizations and movements noises. You are most likely to hear raccoon sounds at night because that’s when they are most active searching for food. You might […]

How to Get Rid of Snakes in Garage

Although most homeowners would probably agree a garage is no place for snakes, the snakes don’t see it that way. A snake might find your garage to be the height of luxury and settle in for a prolonged stay. They can live for several years if undisturbed, so if a snake has made its home […]

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