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Fox Control in Minneapolis

A homeowner in the Twin Cities could experience a wide variety of nuisance wildlife problems.  The natural and suburban habitats have plenty of resources for animals to thrive in Minneapolis-St. Paul. The Big Woods is a belt of hardwoods that passes next to the Twin Cities and pockets of those hardwoods still exist in the […]

The Best Raccoon Repellent

It’s happened to nearly all of us: we leave trash outside, resolve to put it into the trash can, and promptly forget about it. Then the following morning, when we walk outside to meet the day, we are met instead by a yard strewn with trash. This is, in all probability, the work of a […]

We Found a Surprise Guest During Charleston Rat Control

Roof rat on wood

Rodents will always be an issue in Charleston because of the proximity to water and the unique architectural style in Charleston. Rodents like rats and mice can damage your house, spread diseases, and contaminate your food. But there’s another surprising reason for rodent removal. Rats in the Attic A homeowner had roof rats in their […]

The Best Rodent Traps

roof rat in house

Of all the critters known for infesting homes, rodents are among the most difficult to deal with. They are infamous for their resourcefulness, their intelligence, and the staggering rate at which they breed. So, to put it simply, a rodent infestation is a serious issue. Perhaps the most popular way to deal with rats and […]

Can a Skunk Live Under Your House?

Fall is a pivotal season for many animal species. With winter looming, animals are constantly on the move, creating dens, hoarding food, and generally preparing for the long winter ahead. Skunks are no different. As the weather cools off, these malodorous mammals start eating as much as possible in an effort to increase body fat, […]

How to Get Rid of Rodents

Roof rat in a tree

There’s an old rule of thumb that for every mouse you see in the home, another ten are hiding out. Spotting a mouse making a mad dash across your kitchen floor, therefore, has worrying implications. There’s a few reasons rats and mice are considered some of the more formidable nuisance animals—they breed rapidly, need very […]

How Long Do Raccoons Live?

The average raccoon lifespan is about five years, though many kits die before reaching adulthood. The longest surviving wild raccoon lived for 16 years, while a captive raccoon’s lifespan can last as long as 21. Like many animals, raccoons in captivity generally live much longer than those living in the wild—wild raccoons usually live around two […]

Woodpecker Damage to House

Woodpecker on a tree

Woodpeckers drill holes with their beaks in wooden structures for a number of reasons. Houses with wooden exteriors present ideal surfaces for drumming, feeding, and nesting. Woodpecker Pecking at House The architecture of many homes within the Greater Tampa utilizes Styrofoam providing woodpeckers with an easy material to peck at to create nesting holes. Woodpecker Control […]

Is An Animal Hibernating in Your Attic?

squirrel in winter

As winter approaches, some animals start behaving very differently: some hibernate, some enter a state called torpor, and others experience a process known as brumation. Some animals, like squirrels, do not hibernate but simply fatten themselves up in the fall and store food for months of relative inactivity.  Regardless of how an animal approaches winter, […]

Rat Sounds

Roof rate climbing a wooden structure

Oftentimes, rat sounds are the first indicators of rodent problems within the home. When indoors, these pests can be heard gnawing on floor joists, siding, and electrical wiring to grind down their front teeth. They also scamper around within walls, commonly leading homeowners to misidentify them as larger pests. However, when the scurrying is paired […]

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