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The Most Common Raccoons Noises in Attic

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One of the most notable signs of a raccoon problem is the noise. Raccoons make a lot of noise when they live in your attic. You can hear both vocalizations and movements noises.

You are most likely to hear raccoon sounds at night because that’s when they are most active searching for food. You might hear them knocking over your trashing can or rummaging around for food.

Raccoon Vocalizations

Raccoons can make over two hundred vocal sounds. Raccoon sounds range from the vocalizations the animals use to communicate with each other.

Listen to raccoon noises

Raccoon vocalizations include:

  • purring
  • chittering
  • growling
  • snarling
  • hissing
  • whimpering
  • screeching

Baby Raccoons Noises in Attic

Raccoons use attics as safe places to create dens to give birth and care for young. If you have a family of raccoons, you will hear the babies in your attic. 

Raccoon kits make their own distinct sounds like chittering, chippering, mewing, crying, and whining. You might mistake their sounds for birds chirping simultaneously. When they feel threatened or annoyed, the raccoon kits make a high-pitched chirping noise. 

Raccoon Movement Noises

Raccoons can weigh as much as twenty pounds. Combined with an average litter size of three to seven kits, raccoons will make noises in your attic.

Common raccoons noises in attics include:

  • thumping
  • running
  • rustling
  • scratching
  • scurrying

The sound of an animal rustling or scurrying about in the chimney is a common sign that a raccoon has moved in.

Typical raccoon sounds also occur when the pests walk across rooftops, construct their dens, or attempt to gain entry through holes or other small openings that lead to attractive denning sites.

Professional Raccoon Removal

If you suspect you have a raccoon problem, call the wildlife removal experts at Trutech promptly, as these wild animals can be incredibly destructive.

If the raccoon problem is active, we trap and remove the raccoon from your home. Once all raccoons have been evicted, install exclusion devices. Your home has proven to provide resources for a raccoon. Ignoring raccoon entry points invites future pest problems. 

Repairing damage like frayed electrical wires, destroyed insulation, or disinfecting raccoon feces requires caution and a specific skill set. 

At Trutech, we not only remove and exclude the raccoon from your house, but we also repair the damage and clean up the feces. 

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