
Squirrel in Attic in Richmond, VA
Squirrels can be a problem for homeowners in Richmond, Virginia, throughout the year, but there are certain times of increased activity. Spring is mating season

Rat Droppings vs Mouse Droppings
Discovering mice or rat droppings in your home is, unfortunately, a common household problem that needs immediate attention. They gravitate to homes where they can

How to Get Rid of Rats in an Apartment
Rats are one of the most common pest problems in apartment buildings. With multiple tenants going in and out of the building all day and

Signs You Have a Raccoon Problem
One of the most common and damaging nuisance wildlife problems is a raccoon infestation. Raccoons are curious and resourceful and have adapted to thrive in

What Does a Rat’s Nest Look Like?
A rat’s nest is a messy collection of materials woven together in a ball. Typically, they are about four to six inches in diameter. Rats

How to Get Rid of Rats Under House
If you have rats under your house, it is most likely Norway rats. Norway rats, also known as brown rats, have an instinct to burrow

Are Bats Dangerous?
Bats are some of the unsung heroes of the animal kingdom. They are the most significant predators of night-flying insects, consuming pests such as fruit

Raccoon Crawling in Attic
The wildlife team in Orlando received a call from a concerned homeowner over strange noises. During the inspection, they found evidence a raccoon was in

How Long Do Squirrels Live?
Almost everybody can recognize a squirrel by its bushy tail. Energetic and crafty, it can be entertaining to watch different species of squirrels in your

Can a Rat Chew Through Walls?
One reason rat infestations should be addressed quickly is because of the damage rats can cause with their teeth alone. Rats chew through numerous types

How do animals get into my home?
Your house is often warm and cozy places, so it’s no accident that animals wind up in our homes—like us, they need the warmth and

How do raccoons get into the attic?
Shelter, available food sources, and water can attract raccoons to your property. Once raccoons find a stable food source, they will look for safe shelter.