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Bats in Homes

roosting bats

Bats are not dangerous to people. In fact, they provide incredible value, and if you have bats in the house, they can go unnoticed. Bats are nocturnal, make little noises, and can consume thousands of mosquitoes a night. That doesn’t mean homeowners should ignore bats roosting in their house. Bats might not be threat, but […]

What Animal is in the Wall?

Few things are as unsettling—and annoying—as hearing strange sounds coming from one’s wall. Oftentimes, hearing noises in the wall is the first thing that tips homeowners off to the fact that they have a pest problem. Many animals seek out the voids behind walls to live, because they are warm, easily accessed, and provide protection […]

Can Raccoons Climb?

Raccoons are excellent climbers. Their natural denning location is hollow trees, so it should come as no surprise.  Their long, dexterous fingers and sharp claws help them grip rough surfaces and grip onto branches and rocks. They also have flexible ankles and feet that allow them to rotate their hind feet to get a better grip. […]

How to Get Rid of Groundhogs

Groundhogs are a large species of rodent found exclusively in North America. They have long been known to be a terrible nuisance for farmers, due to their well-documented habit of devouring a wide variety of crops. In addition, as burrowing animals, their tunnels can wreck yards and undermine foundations. Because of all of this, a […]

Is that bat poop? How to identify bat guano

sleeping bat

Bat droppings, known as guano, are small and dark in coloration. The elongated pellets are crumbly and turn to dust when touched. Finding bat guano is a sure sign of a bat infestation.  You can find deposits of guano accumulating within walls and attics as well as on the ground and roof tiles. The nutrient-rich […]

Commercial Wildlife Control for Retail Shops

Nuisance wildlife can cost you – in repairs, reputation and, in some cases, regulatory fines and penalties. You can’t afford to let a wildlife invasion damage your business. We understand. Our fast response time and expertise ensure that your animal problem is handled efficiently and effectively. In addition, we are discreet. The presence of snakes, […]

What Animal is in My Garage?

A garage affords a homeowner many luxuries, chief among them being extra space, and the ability to store one’s car in a safe place. But garages do have one big caveat: they are susceptible to pests. This is because garages—by virtue of their large doors that are often left open for extended periods of time—are […]

Animals in Crawlspace in Charleston

Charleston is a beautiful city. The beaches and ocean are one of the reasons people flock to the city. The proximity to water poses some risks. Most of Charleston County is in a floodplain. When heavy rain and high tide combine, an additional foot or two of water can rush toward your house.  Many homes […]

How To Get Skunk Odor Out of Your House

Skunk under a tree

Skunks can be found throughout most of the United States.  Skunks are opportunistic omnivores. Their diet will consist of insects like grubs and bees, nuts, seeds, and small rodents. They can find food in the garbage and will eat your pet’s food. The animals have adapted to live in urban and suburban habitats. Skunks are […]

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