Rats in Attic in Tampa

Rats are the most common pest animals people have to deal with in Tampa Bay. You can find Norway rats, woodrats, and roof rats (AKA palm rats), but the most common pest are palm rats. Signs of a Rat Infestation Rats do not discriminate when it comes to real estate. They’ll choose any home type, […]
How to Get Rid of Bats

The United States is home to over 40 bat species (Arizona and Texas have the widest variety of bat species). The most common types of bats homeowners will find in their attic are the big brown bat, little brown bat, These colonies of bats look for safe places to roost during the maternity season. Bats […]
Raccoon Removal in Euless, TX

Raccoon Family in Attic A homeowner in Euless heard loud noises from his attic at night, and we suspected a raccoon den. Raccoons thrive throughout Dallas-Forth Worth and make a lot of noise at night. Baby raccoons will call out constantly making noises like mewing, crying, and whining. During the inspection, we found a raccoon den with four baby raccoons. […]
These Homeowners Found Baby Opossums in a Most Unexpected Place

These homeowners in Lancaster, Texas were in for quite a surprise. A family of opossums had a den in their attic. Opossums are excellent climbers, and this mama opossum was likely looking for a secure shelter to den with her babies. These baby opossums had fallen through the ceiling and wound up behind the water heater! Chris Shea […]
Oklahoma City Squirrel in Chimney

This little guy fell down a chimney into someone’s fireplace in Oklahoma City. While surprised, he was otherwise uninjured. Not all of our solutions involve live traps or catch poles. If flues are metal or clay, it can be difficult even for adroit climbers like squirrels to scamper out. We lowered a rope, and the squirrel […]
Jacksonville Norway Rat Control

Rats’ teeth never stop growing. Rats constantly gnaw and chew to manage the size of their incisors. Plastic, brick, lead, aluminum, wood, cement, asbestos, and cinder blockers stand no chance against a rat’s constant gnawing. Norway Rats in Jacksonville, FL Recently, a Jacksonville homeowner called us because she heard noises under her floors. After a thorough inspection, […]
13 Critter Most Likely to Invade Your Texas Home

Animals have the same basic needs as people — food, water, and shelter. Wildlife enters your home and property in search of resources to satisfy those needs. It is important to know the wildlife that lives around you in order to prevent unwelcome guests. Let’s explore the critter most likely to enter your home if […]
Wildlife Removal from Your Home and Property
When an animal enters your home, it is more than a simple nuisance. Invading animals can wreak havoc on your quality of life and your property. Usually you can identify an unwanted animal guest from the noise or the smell, but greater risks lurk undetected. Animals make a lot of noise — scratching, scampering, stomping, […]
How to Get Rid of Squirrels

Some of the more charming rodents we might come across on a daily basis, squirrels are bushy tailed rodents that are found in every state. Squirrels can be found year-round, though they are most active during the spring and summer months. Squirrels mate in late winter as well as in the spring/mid-summer, and their gestation period […]