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Opossum Removal in Tampa Bay

How Do You Get Rid of an Opossum? Opossums in Tampa Bay usually stay closer to the ground, but this little guy found his way into an attic. Typically for opossum removal, we set a cage trap. In this situation, we were able to catch the opossum without a cage. Opossums are skilled climbers. They […]

How to Get Rid of Rats in Tampa

Rats in a house

Rats are the most common pest animals people have to deal with in Tampa Bay. You can find Norway rats, woodrats, and roof rats (AKA palm rats), but the most common pest are palm rats.  Evidence of a Rat Probelm Rats do not discriminate when it comes to real estate. They’ll choose any home type, […]

Now is the time to get rid of bats.

It's Bat Season

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