You’ll likely notice signs of a bird’s nest along grooves in your roof, within your chimney, or in cracks in your siding.
Although you may be hesitant to call a wildlife control company in Overland Park, it’s essential to consider these services. Bird droppings can carry histoplasmosis, which can have negative effects on the lungs.
Legal Bird Control
Because of these contributions, birds are afforded considerable protection by laws, regulations and public sentiment that controls what kind of bird control can be implemented.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 protects most birds, their eggs, and their nests from being killed or destroyed. Disturbing bird nests may be considered a federal crime carrying steep fines and possible prison sentences.
Pest Birds in Kansas City Metro
Pest bird situations that require bird control and bird proofing include:
- Feeding on agricultural products
- Roosting or nesting around human habitations
- Destroying vegetation and contaminating foods
- Noise, droppings, odor and feathers
- Diseases or ectoparasites affecting man including histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis
- Unpleasant or hazardous working conditions
- Dead bird removal
The three birds that most often become pests in the Kansas :
- pigeons
- house sparrows
- starlings
- chimney swifts
- woodpeckers
European Starling

Chimney Swifts

Both adult birds and chicks make a variety of sounds such as chirping, shuffling, and scratching. Finally, damage to attics, like insulation that’s been ripped from walls, can alert individuals to the presen