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Wildlife Removal from Your Home and Property

Request Wildlife Control

When an animal enters your home, it is more than a simple nuisance. Invading animals can wreak havoc on your quality of life and your property. Usually you can identify an unwanted animal guest from the noise or the smell, but greater risks lurk undetected.

 Animals make a lot of noise — scratching, scampering, stomping, squeaking, clicking, shrieking and a host of other noises. Depending on what time you hear the noise can help identify the critter. Loud noises at night are usually raccoons. Scampering in the morning is usually associated with squirrels.

Not only do animals bring the noise, but they also damage your property. Rodents sharpen their teeth on wood beams and electrical wires. The insulation in your attic makes perfect materials for a raccoon’s nest.

Many wild animals can carry diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans. Animal waste pose risks to your health especially if it collects in one area. Raccoons establish latrine sites, and bat guano collects where they roost.  Finally, if an animal does die in your home, the decaying body will release harmful bacteria and a powerful odor.

If you suspect an animal has taken up residence in your home, contact a professional for an inspection immediately.

Animals in the Attic

Since they’re warm and often undisturbed by humans, attics make great nesting options for many unwanted critters. Most often these pests seek shelter in attics to survive harsh weather during winter or raise young during the spring.

Common attic invaders, such as squirrels, mice, rats, raccoons, birds, and bats, all find different ways into homes depending on their dexterity and size.

  • Small pests, like mice and rats, are capable of squeezing through gaps as small as half an inch wide.
  • Squirrels and raccoons are excellent climbers and can shimmy up drain spouts or jump from overhanging tree branches to reach attics.
  • Birds and bats have an easier time gaining access since they can simply fly through unsecured openings in building exteriors.

Thankfully, none of these nuisances are particularly stealthy, and homeowners will be alerted to their presence through warning signs such as excessive scratching in the attic.

Scratching in the Attic and Other Warning Signs

The best way to detect animals in the attic is by listening for any out-of-place sounds. Thumps, bumps, scratching, chirping, and squeaking all indicate the presence of an animal in the attic. In most cases, animal noises will intensify around dusk when the creatures wake and continue on through twilight as the pests search for food.

Additionally, given an infestation in the attic, house residents may notice the smell of collected feces and urine or strange stains on walls and ceilings left by excrement.


I believe I have some type of critter in my attic. I hear something during the early morning hours. I heard something scratching right above where I sleep. Can you help? Can you give me a ballpark figure on the cost involved? Thank you very much.

– York, SC

Trutech can certainly solve your issue. This is one of the most common scenarios that we encounter. The cost varies greatly from one case to another, which is why we offer an inspection for a minimal fee.

Upon inspection, we will likely need access to the attic to determine the type of pest that we are dealing with, as well as any potential damage that it has caused that may need remedying. Once we know the pest, we will need to thoroughly inspect the roof and foundation to determine the location of all of the potential entry points.

We will likely need to trap in order to remove the animals, seal all of the entry points, and use a type of control program that varies depending upon the target pest to ensure that they stay out. If the attic has been soiled, we offer attic treatments and removal if possible. This is a process that usually takes one to three weeks.

Every night for the past 2 weeks, I’ve heard scratching, gnawing, and chewing in the attic. It starts around 11PM and goes until 6AM. I am not sure if it is a rat/mouse. It sounds heavier and is confined to one area. It also seems to be getting more active and definitely sounds like it’s doing extensive damage.

Charleston, SC

You could be dealing with a number of nocturnal animals, but most likely it is a raccoon. Regardless of the animal, it should be handled promptly by one of our professionals. After we schedule an inspection, three phases of the job will need to be done; animal trapping, exclusion, and sanitization.

Sanitization is important because wildlife carry fleas and ticks on their bodies, which will spread in the home and look for new hosts once the animals are gone. They also carry ectoparasites in their feces which will cause health issues to people living in the home if not addressed. We will remove all feces and treat the entire attic for fleas, ticks, and ecto parasites so that it poses no threat to any members living in the home.

My husband and I recently noticed scurrying in our attic in the evening/night. We obviously would like them removed but would prefer to do so in a non-lethal manner so the animals may be reintroduced to the wild. I wanted to find out if that was the type of service you were able to offer.

North Brookfield, MA

Yes, we offer non-lethal removal in certain situations. In our area there are specific species that we are required by law to euthanize. With what you’ve described we may be dealing with flying squirrels. They are a nocturnal species of squirrel notorious in the New England area for getting into attics. Flying squirrels are one species in which we can use non-lethal means of removal when paired with exclusion to prevent their re-entry.

Is There an Animal in My Wall?

When infestations of squirrels, raccoons, rats, mice, and even birds are present in homes, individual animals can find their way into some inconvenient hiding places. For example, these pests often get trapped in wall cavities.

Irritating sounds and unpleasant odors are the biggest indicators that animals are in the walls. When pests get trapped, they are likely to scratch at their surroundings and vocalize in their panic. Scampering, clicking, and whimpering are just some of the sounds homeowners are likely to hear.

Though they rarely seek out the voids in walls as places to construct nests, critters fall into these spaces via exterior holes in buildings, air ducts, and piping. Having animals in the walls of a home is detrimental to the building itself, the trapped pests, and the human residents.

The smell of excrement or, given the worst-case scenario, decaying flesh also points to a present pest infestation. Additionally, individuals should look for droppings around the home and holes in the wall that appear to be the result of excessive gnawing.

As such, it is important to identify and remove these animals before the problem escalates. Property owners are likely to find one of two common rodent invaders in their walls: the Norway rat or the house mouse.

The Dangers of an Animal in Your House

Animals in your walls or your attic are a problem because they cause structural damage to the home, foul the attic with their waste, and contaminate the house with diseases and parasites.

Rabies, salmonellosis, plague, rat-bite fever, Histoplasmosis, and raccoon roundworm can be transmitted to humans by animals living in your home.

Animal urine is malodorous and stains walls and ceilings. The accumulation of excrement around homes spreads different diseases such as Histoplasmosis.

Rodents are compelled to constantly chew on wooden beams and electrical wires, which can cause fires. Many animals will readily tear up the insulation in attics to use in the construction of nests.

Animals trapped in walls try desperately to escape and often weaken the structural integrity of buildings in the process. Finally, if pests aren’t removed from wall cavities in time, they die. Not only does their death bring unpleasant odors, it attracts other nuisances likes flies and beetles.

Animal Removal from Your Home

Homeowners should never attempt to handle wild animals.

Given all the unpleasant and dangerous side effects, homeowners are encouraged to call professional wildlife removal services at the first sign of infestation. Trained specialists have access to the necessary tools and knowledge to eradicate pest populations. Additionally, professionals are able to properly sanitize affected areas so that homes are safe for human inhabitants once again.

Nuisance Animals on Your Property

Animals in Trash and Garbage Cans

Trash, especially the scraps of human food found in most outdoor trash bins, makes up a major portion of many animal diets, including those of raccoons, squirrels, opossums, rats, and skunks. When other naturally occurring food sources are scarce or inaccessible, these pests must get creative to sustain themselves.

Trash cans full of rotting fruit and meat remains to provide enough sustenance until garbage-raiding critters can find more satisfying meals.

Was an animal in my trash?

As raccoons, rodents, opossums, and skunks are all messy eaters, they’ll leave behind telltale signs of their presence after a night of rooting through garbage.

 The most obvious indication that there have been animals in the trash is debris scattered across the yard. Portions of ripped up trash bags, napkins, and other non-edible garbage will be tossed aside in the search for scraps of food.

Additionally, property owners may notice gnaw marks on trash bins and bin lids when animals have been rooting through the garbage, as well as piles of excrement hidden around yards.

Reasons for Control

The presence of garbage-raiding pests in lawns can be detrimental to the health of nearby humans.

  • Carry transmissible diseases
  • Increase exposure to diseases and harmful bacterium from excrement
  • Increase risk of property damage and animal entry into your home

For these reasons, property owners should call professional wildlife control services at the first sign of animal activity in the trash.

Wild Animal under Porch

Many animals are known to take up residence under a deck or porch. Decks and porches provide excellent shelter away from other potential predatory animals.

The most common animals are skunks, armadillo, raccoons, opossum, and even feral cats and foxes.

Many of these animals carry diseases such as leptospirosis, rabies, and leprosy, so it’s important that you don’t reach your hand down any hole that the animal might have dug, or in any openings you clearly cannot see in.

Most animals usually gain access to porches and decks through openings in lattices or by digging a hole. Don’t try to block the openings before you call Trutech to remove the animal. Trying to block the area could scare or aggravate the animal resulting in the animal possibly attacking.

Speak to your technician about inspecting your home for any other possible entry points, as well as developing a solution to animal proofing your porch.

Nuisance Wildlife in Your Yard

Animals are attracted to human settlements by the promise of shelter, food, and safety.

Squirrels, raccoons, and birds seek shelter in well-kept ornamental trees, unused attics, and open garages as these places are ideal for building nests and raising young.

Deer, opossums, and skunks feast on readily available food sources in backyard gardens, bird feeders, manicured lawns, and trash bins.

Backyards also offer safety from natural predators like wolves, bears, and coyotes.

Although animals in the backyard may seems preferable to infestations in the home, these pests are hazards to human health and safety even when they stay outside.

Signs of Animals in the Yard

Noticing infestations of animals in the backyard is easy because property owners are usually able to see the pests in action. Birds fly about tree branches and squirrels hop across the ground. In the evening, raccoons can be found around trash cans foraging for tasty leftovers.

However, some backyard invaders are more secretive and will not be spotted so easily. As such, homeowners should regularly examine yards for animal droppings, tracks, and damage like scratched tree bark or freshly dug holes.

Problems with Animals in the Trees

Allowing nuisance animals to remain in trees near homes increases the risk of household infestations. Trees offer many common pests sources of food and shelter.

Birds, reptiles, insects, and mammals all frequently take up residence in ornamental lawn tress. Birds construct large nests high among sturdy tree branches where they raise chicks. Tree snakes and iguanas are adapted to climbing trees for shelter.

Signs of Activity

The best way to tell if animals have started living in trees on private properties is too pay close attention to rustling leaves and branches, which indicates activity. Additionally, individuals should look for hollows large enough to hold pests and be alert for newly constructed nests. Finally, droppings will collect around the base of the tree. Inspection of the excrement can indicate what types of animals have taken up residence in the yard.

Reasons for Removal from Trees

Although some creatures are a pleasure to observe and interact with, backyards, houses, and residential areas are not meant for wild animals. Some animals scratch bark off trees with claws or antlers, while others, like beavers, chop down trees to use as construction material. A few common pests strip branches of leaves, and certain insects bore holes in tree trunks to make nests or search for food. Bird roosts can damage branches and leave large deposits of droppings below that are hazardous to humans.


Trutech® provides solutions for all your animal, pest and wildlife control needs. We have a long history of providing customers with quality services, coupled with a high standard of professionalism. Trutech is fully insured and licensed with regulatory agencies and state and local authorities. Leading pest control companies, university, county and state agencies routinely recommend Trutech services. In addition to licenses, Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Liability Certificates are available upon request.

Our mission is to earn the confidence of the people we serve by offering quality solutions to their evolving needs and challenging ourselves to deliver the highest level of customer satisfaction. At Trutech®, we help protect our customers from the hazards of wildlife in their homes and businesses while ensuring animals are removed in a humane and ethical manner. And, our quality services are provided in an environmentally sensitive manner.

Trutech® is your source for animal control and removal and wildlife removal. We have a team of professionals on staff that is dedicated to servicing your needs. Not only do you have direct communication with expert technicians, but you have access to the entire staff. Our team is committed to you.

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