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Porcupine Removal

Do you need to get rid of porcupines? We can help!

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Porcupine in a yard

Porcupine Removal Strategies

Do not risk your safety trying to trap porcupines on your own as DIY porcupine traps can be very dangerous, ineffective, and sometimes even illegal. When it comes to porcupine removals and porcupine control methods, the team of experts at Trutech have the skills and tools necessary to solve your porcupine problem, no matter how big or small. When the professionals at Trutech handle all of your porcupine control and removal needs, you can ensure a humane, safe, and diligent removal of these creatures.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Trutech for our expert porcupine removal services. Our professionals are here to help your family keep these pests from hurting you or your pets and spreading diseases. When you trust Trutech to handle all of your wildlife removal services, you are getting the best service. Don’t wait any longer– call Trutech today!

Porcupine Problem

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Signs a Porcupine is on Your Property

Porcupines are medium-sized mammals found in parts of the northern and western United States and parts of Canada. Porcupines may have as many as 30,000 quills, sharp hairs with barbed ends, all across their backs. Their quills are used as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from any potential predators. Even though porcupines prefer to be left alone, they can cause a big problem on your property. Porcupines are herbivores and can quickly destroy the plans and vegetation in your gardens or your yards. If you have pets, porcupines’ quills can pose a direct danger to them and their wellbeing.

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Dangers of Porcupine Infestation

In addition to chewing on trees and wooden structures, porcupines may also cause damage when seeking salt. Because their summer diets are rich in potassium, the pests need sodium for a counterbalance. To consume the salt residue left by commercial de-icing products, porcupines may gnaw on houses, automobiles, and plywood, causing damage. These pests can also be dangerous. When touched, porcupines’ barbed quills become painfully embedded in the skin. Since quills can work their way through muscle, risk of serious injury increases if they are not removed properly.

Humane Porcupine Removal & Control Strategies

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Entry into property

Landscaped lawns full of trees and bushes are attractive areas for porcupines to forage for food and rest. Sugar maples, beeches, aspens, and other conifers are their preferred food sources, so homeowners with these varieties of trees may find themselves having frequent run-ins with the pests.

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Trapping & Removal

There are no effective porcupine repellants commercially available. While trapping is possible, safely removing the pests when captured and attaining the proper trapping licenses can be difficult. Due to these issues, it is best to contact local Trutech wildlife experts for effective, safe, and humane porcupine removal.

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Prevention & Exclusion

In order to keep porcupines from damaging property, avoid using nut- or fruit-bearing trees, especially coniferous ones, or excessive ground cover in yard landscaping. Since they are also drawn to salt residue, it is recommended to wash cars frequently.

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Frequently Asked Questions

While generally passive if left alone, these pests can perceive people as a threat and use their quills in self-defense. They tense their muscles so the quills stand at attention, then begin swatting their tails back and forth.

Porcupine quills can become embedded in the skin and are painful and difficult to remove.

The pests are also able to spread porcupine diseases like rabies. They may host ticks as well, which can pass on Colorado tick fever and a variety of other illnesses.

Other animals can trigger increased aggression in porcupines, meaning cats and dogs might be in greater danger than people. Porcupine quills are particularly risky to remove, and potentially deadly for small pets. Porcupine diseases are also easier for animals to contract.

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