Carpenter Bee Removal
Do you need to get rid of Carpenter Bees? We can help!

Carpenter Bee Removal Strategies
Carpenter bees can be very beneficial to the environment as they aid in the pollination of crops and plants. Though they have many positive qualities, males tend to be very territorial of nests. Luckily, these insects do not have stingers and must resort to aggressively flying toward and around potential threats. Females do have stingers, but they only attack when handled.
Carpenter Bee Problem

Dangers of Carpenter Bee Infestation
Carpenter bees dig tunnels into wood in order to create shelter for their eggs. This behavior can cause immense damage to wooden structures around homes. Homeowners may be alerted to aninfestation by perfectly round, half-inch holes in wood with piles of sawdust underneath. Additionally, waste materials can be seen on the outside of their nests. Left untreated, this substance can warp into mold and stain.
Humane Carpenter Bee Removal & Control Strategies

Entry into homes or businesses
Since these pests are partial to wood, they can enter homes and garages through siding. However, roofs and eaves of residences are the main point of entry for carpenter bees.

Trapping & Removal
Trapping carpenter bees can be a difficult task because the females are likely to sting when nests are disturbed. This can cause severe pain and allergic reactions. The best way to handle infestations is by contacting professionals that are trained to quickly and effectively eliminate pests. The licensed specialists at Trutech will safely remove carpenter bees from homes and can offer solutions for preventing future problems.

Prevention & Exclusion
This specific insect pest has a preference for untreated and unfinished wooden structures. Therefore, homeowners can prevent carpenter bee infestations by ensuring all exterior wood is painted and finished. Another step residents can take to avoid these pests from entering homes is filling unoccupied holes in wood by using steel wool and caulk. If carpenter bee infestations increase and become a severe problem, other measures can be taken. Since these pests overwinter and do not return until spring, homeowners may have their wood treated with insecticides before the warm season arrives.