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Cane Toad Removal

Do you need to get rid of cane toads? We can help!

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Cane toad in a yard

Cane Toad Removal Strategies

The presence of toads can be beneficial to humans and natural ecosystems, as they prey on many species of pest insects. In fact, cane toads, also known as bufo toads, were originally introduced to the country as part of an effort to control sugar cane pests.

Cane Toad Problem

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Dangers of Cane Toad Infestation

Though cane toads are useful in eliminating unwanted insect pests, they’re just as undesirable to have lurking around homes and in yards. These amphibians are a threat to humans and pets because they release a potent toxin from their large glands. This substance can cause severe skin and eye irritation in people, sometimes even leading to blindness. Dogs and cats are just as prone to the dangers of cane toads, as they can die within fifteen minutes of being sprayed or squirted with the poison.

Humane Cane Toad Removal & Control Strategies

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Entry into property

Since cane toads’ diets consist of many insect and vertebrae species frequently found in yards, it’s no surprise the pests are drawn to residential areas. It’s not common for them to end up indoors, but they will gather on lawns that have plenty of their preferred food sources. Additionally, they need moisture to survive, so yards with damp soil, ponds, or pools are particularly susceptible to infestations.

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Trapping & Removal

Homeowners should be aware of local laws, as it’s illegal to relocate the invasive species in some areas. Furthermore, approaching cane toads puts individuals at risk of serious health consequences. It’s best to contact the professionals at Trutech to handle any cane toad problems.

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Prevention & Exclusion

The best way to keep cane toads from coming near homes is by eliminating elements that appeal to them. Homeowners should store pet food and water bowls inside and shut off lights that attract insects. Additionally, since the cane toad is most active at night, the pests seek shelter during the day. Block off access to areas underneath air conditioning units, decks, and the edges of homes where they may rest. Another way to deter cane toads is by eliminating or blocking access to collections of water, as they may congregate there for moisture.

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Frequently Asked Questions

With natural toxins that result in convulsions, paralysis, or even death, it’s safe to say that cane toads are dangerous. However, many people are confused about whether the pests produce venom or poison. While some call the species venomous, this is not an accurate description of a cane toad. Venom is a toxin created by an animal in order to be injected into predators or prey. Poison, on the other hand, is transferred more passively through touch, ingestion, or inhalation.

Cane toads don’t bite victims, nor do they spit or squirt venom as is sometimes incorrectly reported. Instead, the pests excrete a milky substance on their skin that burns eyes, inflames skin, and is rapidly absorbed through the mucus membranes if touched. Therefore, while not venomous or aggressive, these poisonous pests are far from harmless. Cane toad poison is dangerous to humans, but pets are the most often affected. A pet that ingests this potent toxin can die within fifteen minutes. Early symptoms include rapid heartbeat and excessive salivation.

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